Political Economy of the East Asian 
社會科學院  政治學研究所  
322 M4280 

本課程主要介紹東亞的日本,以及新興工業化國家(new industrializing countries, NICs):台灣與南韓,討論的焦點集中在這三個國家的經濟為何可以快速發展?經濟發展的背後有何政治基礎?以及全球化與民主化的浪潮,對這三個國家構成何種挑戰?一般來說,學者將東亞國家經濟發展的策略,稱為發展型國家論(developmental state),它具有三個主要的特色:第一,國家的政策制訂具有高度的自主性(autonomy),免於各種社會階級利益的干擾。第二,經濟體制內既使有龐大私有制企業體的存在,國家也有能力(capacity)鉅細靡遺地管制這些私人企業。國家積極介入市場經濟運作的方式,例如長期扭曲市場價格(getting some prices wrong),而不是順應國際市場價格(getting the right prices),扶助若干新興策略性的產業,或是藉由公營銀行的貸款程序,獎勵有競爭力的產業,同時淘汰夕陽工業。第三,國家領導者對追求國家經濟發展的目標有一致的共識,並積極追求這項目標。
然而,這種發展型國家到九0年代中期以後開始受到兩大挑戰。第一個挑戰是全球化。全球化意涵著國家以往用來影響企業、調控總體經濟的政策工具受到很大的挑戰及限制。企業的國際化也逐漸了超脫國家控制,經濟自由化與去管制化的趨勢則迫使國家必須逐漸開放原來掌握的資源,例如公營事業或是少數壟斷性的產業,如金融、油業、電信等。另一個重大的挑戰則是民主化。民主化對發展性國家的挑戰主要透過兩層面:一是各種利益有機會對政府提出要求,而官僚自主性容易下降,所以容易導致經濟決策的不理性與不一致性。第二個層次是由於勞工及弱勢群眾可以透過選舉來影響政策,所以他們會傾向重分配色彩的福利政策,因而挑戰了過去的唯經濟成長導向的發展策略?最後,如果自由化與民主化是全球普遍的趨勢,那麼東亞發展型國家是否已經逐漸消逝了?或者,由於制度本身的韌性,以及相關行動者(人民、官員、政客等)對於國家角色的偏好與期待都不容易立即改變,因而使得發展性國家雖然有所調整,但是仍然維持過去干預市場的特色,而非和其他國家一樣成為新自由主義國家(neo-liberal state)?上述所提的問題,都將一一納入本課程作深入的討論。

本課程主要介紹東亞的日本,以及新興工業化國家(new industrializing countries, NICs):台灣與南韓,討論的焦點集中在這三個國家的經濟為何可以快速發展?經濟發展的背後有何政治基礎?以及全球化與民主化的浪潮,對這三個國家構成何種挑戰?一般來說,學者將東亞國家經濟發展的策略,稱為發展型國家論(developmental state),它具有三個主要的特色:第一,國家的政策制訂具有高度的自主性(autonomy),免於各種社會階級利益的干擾。第二,經濟體制內既使有龐大私有制企業體的存在,國家也有能力(capacity)鉅細靡遺地管制這些私人企業。國家積極介入市場經濟運作的方式,例如長期扭曲市場價格(getting some prices wrong),而不是順應國際市場價格(getting the right prices),扶助若干新興策略性的產業,或是藉由公營銀行的貸款程序,獎勵有競爭力的產業,同時淘汰夕陽工業。第三,國家領導者對追求國家經濟發展的目標有一致的共識,並積極追求這項目標。
然而,這種發展型國家到九0年代中期以後開始受到兩大挑戰。第一個挑戰是全球化。全球化意涵著國家以往用來影響企業、調控總體經濟的政策工具受到很大的挑戰及限制。企業的國際化也逐漸了超脫國家控制,經濟自由化與去管制化的趨勢則迫使國家必須逐漸開放原來掌握的資源,例如公營事業或是少數壟斷性的產業,如金融、油業、電信等。另一個重大的挑戰則是民主化。民主化對發展性國家的挑戰主要透過兩層面:一是各種利益有機會對政府提出要求,而官僚自主性容易下降,所以容易導致經濟決策的不理性與不一致性。第二個層次是由於勞工及弱勢群眾可以透過選舉來影響政策,所以他們會傾向重分配色彩的福利政策,因而挑戰了過去的唯經濟成長導向的發展策略?最後,如果自由化與民主化是全球普遍的趨勢,那麼東亞發展型國家是否已經逐漸消逝了?或者,由於制度本身的韌性,以及相關行動者(人民、官員、政客等)對於國家角色的偏好與期待都不容易立即改變,因而使得發展性國家雖然有所調整,但是仍然維持過去干預市場的特色,而非和其他國家一樣成為新自由主義國家(neo-liberal state)?上述所提的問題,都將一一納入本課程作深入的討論。 
Office Hours
第一週(9/20) Introduction and organizational meeting

第二週(9/27) What is to be explained?
The World Bank. 1994. The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 27-79.
Robert Wade. 2004, 2th ed. Governing the Market. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 34-51.

*Gary Gereffi, 1990. “Paths of Industrialization: An Overview.” In Gary Gereffi and Donald Wyman, eds. Manufacturing Miracles: Paths of Industrialization in Latin America and East Asia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 3-31.
*Alice H. Amsden. 2001. The Rise of “the Rest”: Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies. New York: Oxford University Press.

第三週(10/4) Explanations (I): Colonial Legacy and The Role of Culture
Stephen Haggard, David Kang and Hung-in Moon. 1997. “Japanese Colonialism and Korea Development: A Critique.” World Development, 25(6): 867-881.
Duane Swank. 1996. “Culture, Institutions, and Economic Growth: Theory, Recent Evidence, and the Role of Communitarian Politics.” American Journal of Political Science, 40(3): 660-79.

*Atul Kohli. 1999. “Where Do High-Growth Political Economies Come From?” In Meredith Woo-Cumings, ed., The Developmental State. Ithaca: Cornell University Press., pp. 93-136.
*Tun-jen Cheng. 2001. “Transformation Taiwan’s Economic Structure in Twentieth Century.” China Quarterly, 165(March): 19-36, esp. 19-28.
*Ronald Dore, 1990. “Reflections on Culture and Social Change.” In Gary Gereffi and Donald Wyman, eds. Manufacturing Miracles: paths of Industrialization in Latin America and East Asia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 353-367.
*Chaibong Hahm and Wooyeak Paik. 2003. “Legalist Confucianism and Economic Development in East Asia.” Journal of East Asian Studies, 3(3): 461-491.
*Chamers Johnson. 1995. “Social Values and the Theory of Late Economic Development in East Asia.” Japan: Who Governs? New York: W.W. Norton, pp. 38-50.

第四週(10/11) Explanations (II): the Role of Geopolitics and War
Andrew Macintyre and Barry Naughton. 2005. “The Decline of a Japan-Led Model of the East Asian Economy.” In T. J. Pempel, ed., Remapping East Asia: The Construction of a Region. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 77-100.
Richard Stubbs. 1999. “War and Economic Development: Export-Oriented Industrialization in East and Southeast Asia.” Comparative Politics, 31(3): 337-55.

*T. J. Pempel. 2005. “Introduction: Emerging Webs of Regional Connectedness.” In T. J. Pempel, ed., Remapping East Asia: The Construction of a Region. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 1-30.
*Peter J. Katzenstein. 2006. ed. Beyond Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
* Vinod K. Aggarwal, et al. 2007. “Peter J. Katzenstein’s Contributions to the Study of East Asian Regionalism.” Journal of East Asian Studies, 7(3): ?.

第五週(10/18) Explanations (III): Economic and Political
Robert Wade. 2004, 2th ed. Governing the Market. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 52-112.
Meredith Woo-Cumings. 1998. “National Security and the Rise of the Development State in South and Taiwan.” In Henry Rowen, ed. Behind East Asian Growth: The Political and Social Foundations of Prosperity. New York: Rouledge. Pp. 319-337.

*Paul Krugman. 1994. “The Myth of Asian’s Miracle.” Foreign Affairs, 73(6): 62-79.
*Chalmers Johnson. 1987. “Political Institution and Economic Performance: The Government-Business Relations in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.” In Frederic Deyo, ed. The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 136-164.
*Henry S. Rowen, 1998, ed. Behind East Asian Growth: The Political and Social Foundations of Prosperity. New York: Routledge.

第六週(10/25) The Developmental State (I): Origin and Thesis
Ziya Onis. 1991. “The Logic of the Developmental State.” Comparative Politics, 24(1): 109-26.
Joseph Wong. 2004. “The Adaptive Developmental State in East Asia.” Journal of East Asian Studies, 4(3): 345-362.

*Chalmers Johnson. 1999. “The Developmental State: Odyssey of a concept.” In Meredith Woo-Cumings, ed. The Developmental State. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 32-60.
*Robert Wade. 1990. “Industrial Policy in East Asia: Does It Lead or Follow the Market?” In Gary Gereffi and Donald Wyman, eds. Manufacturing Miracles: paths of Industrialization in Latin America and East Asia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 231-266.

第七週(11/1) The Developmental State in South Korea and Taiwan
Tun-jen Cheng, et al. 1998. “Institutions and Growth in Korea and Taiwan: the Bureaucracy.” Journal of Development Studies, 34(6): 87-111.
Yongping Wu. 2004. “Rething the Taiwanese Developmental State.” The China Quarterly, 177(March): 91-114.

*Yun-han Chu. 1989. “State Structures and Economic Adjustment in the East Asian Newly Industrialization Countries.” International Organization, 43(4): 647-672.
* Tun-jen Cheng. 1990. “Political Regimes and Developments Strategies: South Korea and Taiwan. In Gary Gereffi and Donald Wyman, eds. Manufacturing Miracles: Paths of Industrialization in Latin America and East Asia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 139-178.
*Stephen Haggard and Chung-In Moon. 1990. “Institutions and Economic Policy: Theory and a Korean Case Study.” World Politics, 42(2): 210-237.

第八週(11/8) Critics on Developmental State Theory
Chung-in Moon and Rashemi Prasad. 1998. “Network, Politics, and Institutions.” In Steve Chan et al., eds., Beyond the Developmental State: East Asia’s political Economies Reconsidered. Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd., pp. 9-24.
Cal Clark and Steve Chan. 1998. “Market, State, and Society in Asian Development.” In Steve Chan et al., eds., Beyond the Developmental State: East Asia’s political Economies Reconsidered. Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd., pp. 25-37.

*Steven K. Vogel. 2006. Japan Remodeled. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
*Gary Gereffi. 1998. “More than the Market, More than the State: Global Commodity Chains and Industrial Upgrading in East Asia.” In Steve Chan et al., eds., Beyond the Developmental State: East Asia’s political Economies Reconsidered. Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd., pp. 38-59.

第九週(11/15) The Developmental State (II): State in Society
Peter Evans. 1995. Embedded Autonomy: State and Industrial Transformation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 21-51.
Linda Weiss. 1998. The Myth of the Powerless State. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 41-82.

*David Waldner. 1999. State Building and Late Development. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 1-53.
*Sylvia MAxfield and Ben Ross Schneider, eds. 1997. Business and The State in Developing Countries. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

第十週(11/22) The Developmental State (II): State in Society(continuous)
Vivek Chibber. 2006. Locked in Place. Princeton University Press, pp. 13-48.
Marie Anchordoguy. 2005. Reprogramming Japan: The High Tech Crisis under Communitarian Capitalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 1-34.

*Atul Kohli. 2004. State-Directed Development : Political Power and Industrilization in the Global Periphery. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-27.

第十一週(11/29) The Cause of Asian Financial Crisis(I): Theoretical
Robert Wade. 2000. “Wheels Within Wheels: Rethinking the Asian Crisis and the Asian Model.” Annual Review of Political Science, 3:85-115.
Stephan. Haggard, 2002. “The Politics of the Asian Financial Crisis.” In Laurence Whitehead ed., Emerging Market Democracies. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. Pp. 16-30.

*Miles Kahler. 1998. ed. Capital Flows and Financial Crisis. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
*Jeffrey Winters. 1999. “The Determinants of Financial Crisis in Asia.” In T. J. Pempel, ed. The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 79-100.

第十二週(12/6) The Cause of Asian Financial Crisis(II): Case Studies
Yun-han Chu. 1999. “Surviving the East Asian Financial Storm: The Political Foundation of Taiwan’s Economic Resilience.” In T. J. Pempel, ed. The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 184-202.
Linda Y. C. Lim. 1999. “Free Market Fancies: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Asian Financial Crisis.” In T. J. Pempel, ed. The Politics of the Asian Econ 